Monday, September 30, 2019

Education is not the only key to success Essay

Most groups use some form of parliamentary procedure for their meetings. This Factsheet not only briefly explains proper parliamentary procedure for more formal meetings, but also describes acceptable alternatives for decision-making in smaller groups. Rules For Meetings Just as the object of a game gives direction to its players, traditional principles of a democratic meeting guide group members when they gather: 1. Every member has rights equal to every other member. 2. The will of the majority must be carried out. 3. The minority must be heard, and its rights protected. Only one topic will be considered at a time. In order to play a particular game, certain rules for that game must be followed. â€Å"Parliamentary procedure† is a set of rules for meetings which ensures that the traditional principles of equality, harmony and efficiency are kept. Robert’s Rules of Order, the best-known description of standard parliamentary procedure, is used by many different organizations as their rule book for conducting effective meetings. The Problem With Rules The saying â€Å"Rules are meant to be broken †¦ † implies that no rules are perfect. The parliamentary rules used in government provide guidance for a body of hundreds of people meeting daily for months with a great volume of business to conduct. These same rules are not appropriate for all organizations. How rigid are your meetings? Does too much technical procedure (motions, amendments, seconding, etc. ) get in the way of effective decision-making and total group discussion? Too much formality in a meeting will frustrate and discourage members when the proceedings â€Å"bog down†. Parliamentary rules for meetings are intended to help the group conduct its business (fairly and efficiently), not hinder it! There are many effective ways for a group to conduct its meetings. Technical procedure, however, should be discouraged in the average group meeting. Every organization should examine standard parliamentary rules, then interpret and adapt them to its own use. If group members agree that the rules they’ve developed permit a majority to accomplish the organization’s ultimate purpose within a reasonable period of time, while allowing the minority a reasonable opportunity to express its views, then those rules are appropriate. Rules For Small Group Meetings? Meeting procedures for committees, executives and most boards can be much different than those for larger gatherings. Certain formalities are unnecessary when the group size is less than about a dozen members. For example: 1. There is no limit to the number of times a member may speak to an issue. 2. It is not necessary to address the chair before speaking. 3. The chair needn’t leave that post in order to speak, make motions or vote. (In fact, he or she may well be the most active participant in discussions and work of the committee. ) 4. Motions need not be seconded. 5. Action can be taken, at times, without the introduction of a motion. If, however, a small group using these â€Å"relaxed† rules discovers that any one of the four basic meeting principles is being abused, then more formal procedures may be reintroduced to the meeting. Parliamentary Procedure At A Glance If your group follows parliamentary procedure â€Å"by the book†, the occasional technical question might be asked. 1. What is the proper sequence of steps in having a motion voted on? A motion has nine possible steps: Moved – a proposal from the floor. Seconded – another member feels the proposal is worth discussing. Stated – by the chair or secretary. Wording is recorded properly and everyone understands the intent of the proposal. Discussed – every speaker addresses the chair and must speak only to the motion. Usually, each member may speak only once to a motion except the mover who has first and last chance to speak. Amended – changing the wording of the motion by: adding or deleting words replacing with different words. – each amendment has the same 9 steps as a motion. Called – after sufficient discussion, either a motion to end debate or a vote is called at the discretion of the chair. Restated – ensures everyone understands what is being voted on. Voted – chair calls each option: â€Å"All in favour? â€Å", â€Å"Opposed? † or â€Å"Abstaining? † Declared – results of the vote are announced by the chair. 2. Can the intent of the main motion be changed by an amendment? Yes; the main motion may be changed, contrary to the intent of its movers. Only two criteria govern the use of an amendment: An amendment may not convert a motion to its direct negative; and An amendment must be pertinent to the topic in the main motion. E. g. , a motion â€Å"to purchase a new typewriter for the secretary† may not have â€Å"and to pay the expenses of delegates to the annual meeting† added to it. This amendment clearly has no relationship with the secretary’s need for new equipment. 3. How many amendments can be made to a motion? There are only two kinds of amendments: those pertaining to the proposed motion called â€Å"first rank†; and those pertaining to a proposed amendment called â€Å"second rank† (amendment to the amendment). Only one amendment of each rank may be on the floor at one time. Any number of amendments may be made to most motions, but no â€Å"second rank† amendments may be amended (i. e. , an amendment to the amendment to the amendment is not allowed! ). 4. How can a meeting start without a quorum? A quorum is the minimum number of eligible voters that must be present at a meeting to conduct business. This number is designated in the by-laws of the organization and for a board is usually half the voting members plus one. If no quorum is present when the advertised hour of the meeting has been reached, then: the presiding officer may dismiss the group (after setting a time for future meeting); or the group may agree to proceed informally with the agenda, awaiting ratification of any decisions at a future meeting; or the group may discuss any items of interest but make no decisions. 5. How can our constitution be amended? A good constitution contains provisions for amendment, so the structure and procedures can continually meet the changing needs and purposes of the group. Usually, a special committee is appointed to review the group’s objectives, structure, functions, etc. Copies of its report and recommendations are circulated to all members with the required notice and agenda for the meeting (often the organization’s annual meeting). Any amendments proposed during discussion at the meeting require a majority vote for approval, but the motion to amend the constitution needs a two-thirds majority vote for adoption. Who is the presiding officer at meetings? Often the president is designated in the constitution or by-laws to chair the organization’s meetings. In many groups, however, the chair is assigned to the past-president, special moderator, or to a different person each time on a rotating basis. This allows the president to take a lead in debates on policy rather than maintain a position of â€Å"supposed† neutrality which is directly contrary to his or her usual role as spokesperson for the group. 7. After considerable debate, we still are not ready to vote on the motion. What can we do? A motion to postpone the matter until the next meeting may be in order, so that more information can be gathered. A motion to postpone temporarily (to table) allows a motion to be set aside until later in the meeting, allowing more urgent business to be dealt with, permitting amendments to be drafted, or allowing time for implications of the motion to be checked. A motion to take from the table brings it back before the meeting. The motion may be withdrawn at the request of its mover, but only if no member present objects. 8. What happens when someone yells â€Å"Question! From the floor indicates that he or she wants the motion put to a vote. Only if the chair feels that the motion has had reasonable debate and most members are ready to vote, can he or she call the question (i. e. , â€Å"All those in favour? â€Å", etc. ). Another way to close discussion on a motion is for someone to make a motion to call for a vote. This motion must be seconded and requires a two-thirds majority vote in order to proceed with a vote on the motion on the floor. 9. How should a committee report be accepted by an organization? A motion to â€Å"receive† the report means that the organization is not committed to any of the conclusions or recommendations contained in it. (An example of such a report would be the monthly, unaudited treasurer’s report. ) A motion to â€Å"adopt† the report in whole or in part commits the organization to some or all of the recommendations of the report, and often implies some action to be taken. 10 Sometimes while one motion is being considered, an alternative motion might be the better one. How can it be presented? 1. The movers request permission from the presiding officer to read out the alternative motion. The movers of the original motion are asked if they will withdraw their motion, with the unanimous consent of the meeting. 3. If the original motion is withdrawn, then the alternative motion is moved. 4. If the original motion is not withdrawn, then the movers of the alternative motion inform the meeting that their motion will be moved if the original is defeated. They thus urge the members to vote against the original motion. | Top of Page | Consensus: Another Method Of Decision-Making In Groups How many meetings does your group hold in a year to discuss issues or problems? How much time is spent in each regular meeting making decisions or solving problems? Does the discussion end with a proposal for action? One rule in parliamentary procedure that can hamper a free and easy exchange of ideas is: â€Å"Discussion can take place only after a motion is proposed†. In fact, a motion is a proposed course of action, a solution to a problem, or a decision. By focusing the group’s attention on a solution before realizing the scope of the problem, the group may be voting on something that is entirely inappropriate. Is the â€Å"cart before the horse†? A simple method of ensuring an effective group decision is to build a motion through consensus. This method eliminates a complicated amendment procedure after an initial motion has been proposed. It also ensures that a large majority will agree with the motion rather than the mere 51% required by a typical voting procedure. The following process can be used throughout the meeting for every problem the group needs to discuss. Step 1. Describe the issue or problem confronting the group. – State the problem clearly and concisely. If it is complex, then write it out. Step 2. Gather all information relevant to the problem. – All pertinent facts and ideas about the problem need to be heard in order to make a wise decision. – Distinguish between facts and opinions. A decision can often be made right away. However, action may need to be deferred so that additional information can be gathered. Step 3. List all possible solutions or actions. – Explore alternatives. – Be creative. Use brainstorming techniques to generate new ideas, from every member. Step 4. Choose the best possible solution. – Use a process of elimination; refine and combine parts of your list in step 3. Reaching consensus is not always easy. Some individuals become frustrated with the time taken for group decision-making. Also, this method relies on the discretion of the chair who eventually decides when a general agreement or common â€Å"feeling† has been reached. In some situations, if only extremely vocal and confident individuals dare to challenge the majority view, then the minority opinion is in danger of being suppressed. Using consensus, however, can result in higher quality decisions. The complicated rules of parliamentary procedure are reduced while maximum member participation is encouraged. In the end, group decisions lead to group action! Conclusion Whichever method your group chooses to make its decisions or conduct its meetings, the four principles of a democratic meeting must be followed. As more formal procedures are adopted, more complicated rules are followed. There is little reason for any one person to attempt to learn every rule of parliamentary procedure. To know where to find the answers is enough. The following references may help answer any questions not addressed in this Factsheet. References Parliamentary Procedure at a Glance. Jones, O. Garfield.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Be Happier by Consuming Less

Andres Martinez Garcia Section 1010 03/18/13 Prof. Cheryl L. Flanigan Essay 2 Be Happier by Consuming Less Consumerist is a social and economic order that encourages the purchase of goods and services in ever greater amounts. In the American consumption, people do not know how much is enough, do we really need all we buy? Or we just buy it because everyone else has it? Does it make us any happier? In the article â€Å"The New Politics of Consumption: Why Americans Want So Much More That They Need† Juliet Schor shares with us her point of view about American Consumption.In Schor’s article says, â€Å"The average American now finds it harder to achieve a satisfying standard of living than 25 years ago† (411). Also that â€Å"The competitive consumption, the idea that spending is in large part driven by a comparative or competitive process in which individuals try to keep up with the norms of the social group with which they identify as a reference group† (41 2). Finally she believes that â€Å"Low income children are more likely to be exposed to commercials at school, as well as home† (413). Our personal consumer choices have ecological, social, and spiritual consequences.Much of what we purchase is not essential for our survival or even basic human comfort but is based on impulse, a momentary desire, and there is a hidden price that we, and future generations will pay for it too. The American economy’s ultimate purpose is to produce more consumer goods, not better health care, education, housing, transportation, but to provide more stuff to consumers. First, in Schor’s article she says, â€Å"The average American now finds it harder to achieve a satisfying standard of living than 25 years ago† (411).Nowadays people have to work longer hours than 25 year ago, to be able to pay all their desires. Having more and newer things each year has become not just something we want but something we need. The idea of mor e, ever increasing wealth has become the center of our identity, and this looks like an addiction. For example, my aunt Maria works 5 days a week to be able to pay all her bills and sometimes does overtime. She might have a lot of new and cool things, but she doesn’t even have time to enjoy all these things because she has to be working just to pay all she has.My aunt has a salary of $9. 25 per hour and getting a check of $740 biweekly which she have to use to pay her car $200, plus her phone $85, personal stuff $150, and the list keep going. I have worked 40 hours a week, going to classes full-time with little satisfaction. Without working that long, I am less stressed, and I prefer to learn how to spend less money, than spending more, and live stressed all the time. People should take more responsibility for themselves and their families and think outside of the box when it comes to life.Working less hours and buying fewer products is a good way to start. Also, Schor says, â€Å"The competitive consumption, the idea that spending is in large part driven by a comparative or competitive process in which individuals try to keep up with the norms of the social group with which they identify as a reference group† (412). People try to be in the same level that everyone else; if they see that somebody bought something, they will try to have that, just because that person has it. An example is the iPhones people are obsessed with them.The first iPhone was the 3G, then 3GS, 4, 4S, and the 5 that is the last one that just came out. All of these iPhones do almost the same functions; they just changed the size, and some other little things. People spend a lot of money buying the iPhones; the prices are between $300 and $500. The point is that people want to keep up with the newest things, just because other people will have it. For example, my cousin Heysus who is 23 years old, have been buying all the iPhones, because all his friends have them, and whenev er came a new iPhone, he ordered it immediately to keep up with what his friends have.Another point is that people with less income, tend to watch more TV, in Schor’s article says, â€Å"Low income children are more likely to be exposed to commercials at school, as well as home† (413). Television and marketing are a big influence of how people spend their money. We watched an example of it in the movie of Super-Size Me, of how the companies spend a lot of their money on marketing, because they know that people is going to buy their products. We need to make people conscious about the problem that we all have as a society.Without our consumer impulse to buy the newest, coolest things on the market, there would be no market. People should think more about what they buy, and should not do unnecessary purchases I think that some people keep worrying more about what they can buy, and how they can have better and newest things instead of be worrying about how they can live h appier, and less stressed. An individual does not necessarily have to live as a rich person to be happy. The thought of shorter hours working is a wealth of opportunity and adventure that no Disneyland or Las Vegas vacation can offer.It is actually stress-free and can help us to have time to more valuable parts of our life, like having more time to spend with our family and friends. Finally, as a student that works and studies at the same time, I have to be a smart consumer. I ask myself what I need and what I really don’t. Why do I need a car? Is it necessary to have a laptop when we have a library full of computers? We all need to learn that how to spend our money in a better way, and know that we do not need to have the newest and coolest things that the market offer us to be happy.As we saw in the article â€Å"The New Politics of Consumption: Why Americans Want So More That They Need† Juliet Schor shares with us her point of view about American Consumption. In Sch or’s article says â€Å"The average American now finds it harder to achieve a satisfying standard of living than 25 years ago† (411). Also that â€Å"The competitive consumption, the idea that spending is in large part driven by a comparative or competitive process in which individuals try to keep up with the norms of the social group with which they identify as a reference group† (412).Finally she believes that â€Å"Low income children are more likely to be exposed to commercials at school, as well as home† (413). We need to learn that how to be a smart consumer, and do not spend more of what we can afford. Works Cited Schor, Juliet. â€Å"The New Politics of Consumptions: Why Americans Want So Much More Than They Need. † Searching For Causes. New York: Harper. 1999. 410-414. Print. â€Å"Consumption. † Wikipedia. Web. 26 Feb. 2013. Super Size Me. Dir. Morgan Spurlock. Perf. Morgan Spurlcok , Daryl Isaacs. 2004. DVD.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Reasons Why I Became a Doctor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Reasons Why I Became a Doctor - Essay Example Later on, I learnt about Pilates, and it became my way of spending my weekends. Since then, my weekends involved attending workshops to learn and develop precise understanding of mechanics of each movement and how that knowledge could help improve the health of the spine. When I joined my accounting profession, I quickly became the person everyone in my office would consult in case of an ailment. It was evident that despite the environment I was in, medicine was part of me. An occurrence in my life changed my whole life for good. I fell sick with an ailment that was not very common with the doctors in the area. It took many doctors’ visits, many hours of traveling and a lot of research to finally identify a practitioner who was a specialist in the illness I had. My encounter with this doctor defined the course I would take in medicine. This was the genesis of naturopathic medicine. This encounter again gave me the motivation I needed to pursue this specific field of medicine. Upon understanding the symptoms of the disease my practitioner cautioned me that the healing of that disease would involve a lot of commitment on me in managing my diet and lifestyle. I was ready to follow the doctor’s advice little did I know that this was the turning point. I was now to quit my job as an accountant and pursue naturopathic medicine. This happened due to the desire that rose in me at that time. In the process of managing my diet, I decided to read further on the condition and the alternate ways of treating it. As I obtained more tips to deal with my condition and my health kept improving I realized my desire for research was growing. This research ignited a fire within me and I now wanted to know about all the illnesses we encounter in our day to day life such as cancer and diabetes. At this point, my illness became the catalyst for positive change.  

Friday, September 27, 2019

Americana Group Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Americana Group - Research Paper Example Marketing Analysis Marketing environment analysis Marketing environment has major influence on a business. Trend in marketing environment is one of the most important factors to consider for a business or marketer. There are some important factors of marketing environment of business. These are political, economical, social and technological. So, detailed analysis of each of these environmental factors is needed to assess the current overview of marketing environment of Americana Group. Marketing environment has major influence on American group and changes of each of these areas leads to change in the strategic decision with respect to marketing of the products and brands operated by the company in Middle East and North Africa region. Therefore, PEST analysis would provide detailed overview of this market. Political Factors American Group deals with the franchisee business of leading international restaurant chains and manufacturing consumer food products. Generally, political and g overnmental factors impact on food business in any country in a higher extent because food business deals with the most important needs of human beings. This business also has higher risk with respect to hygiene factor. Governments of Middle East countries have several food policies applicable for food businesses and they need to strictly adhere to policies. Apart from the specific food policy, there are several rules and regulations imposed by different countries for domestic as well international business. It is very important for any company operates in this market to comply all concerned rules and regulations of different governmental agencies for successful operation of business... The paper stresses that the company needs to buy stake of the foreign businesses or make partnership with the foreign franchise holders of leading food brands like KFC, Pizza Hut etc to enter into target market. Then it should do partnership business for limited period of time to understand the market potential and the consumption trend of the customers of those businesses. Finally, the company can select the best potential market among the targeted markets and start both manufacturing and selling their own products along with the franchisee business. This would be the best cost effective strategy for the company to diversify into foreign markets. Risk of foreign investment would be minimized through this market testing strategy. Development of effective marketing strategy is also very essential with new product development. So, it needs to invest good amount for promotion of each of new product development. The company can also redesign its old products and introduce them with the n ew product. it can push a new product with the existing popular product line up to minimize the risk of lower demand. This report makes a conclusion that market development strategy will help the company to boost its product development strategy through new product launch in a new market. Economies of scale will also increase through new product launch in the existing market as cost of production and cost of promotion will not much increase. Therefore, both the strategies will be most beneficial for future growth of Americana Group.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The risk of being a diabetic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The risk of being a diabetic - Essay Example enal functioning, the working of the liver as well as visual problems and vascular changes which may predispose a person to fatal conditions like atherosclerosis. This paper aims to achieve the following three objectives of briefly explaining: There are two types of Diabetes i.e. type on and type two. Diabetes mellitus type one presents with weight loss and the patient complains of increased thirst, hunger and urination. The patient develops low blood glucose levels often and ketosis is also seen in them. As the patient is not able to produce insulin within the body, the only treatment option for them is the intravenous administration of insulin to control the levels of blood glucose. Insulin pumps can also be used for the delivery of insulin within the body. In diabetes type 2 the disease progresses with the loss of responsiveness of the tissues of the body to insulin. That is they become resistant to the effect of this hormone and hence the metabolism of glucose is altered. The increased levels of insulin and high blood glucose levels alter the functioning of the beta cells which initially respond by increased secretion of the hormone. When this affect does not show a significant result there is loss of function of the beta cells. Diabetes becomes an even more dangerous disease in its latter stages when it is not being controlled. If early treatment of diabetes is not done in some cases it is seen that amputation is required. By amputation here it is meant that an organ has to be cut off from the body. If the person does not control diabetes it can also lead to heart failure or a heart attack. At times it is seen that diabetes leads to the blockage of vessels in the body. Diabetes can also effect sensitive organs of the body such as eye. It can form a cataract in the eye because of which the vision of an individual is impaired. Diabetes is a slow poison as it slowly affects the person’s metabolic processes. It is necessary that an individual controls it and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

TAEDEL401A - Training and Assessement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

TAEDEL401A - Training and Assessement - Essay Example Negative attitude to training is one of the psychological barriers. It could be overcome through proper guidance given to the learner. Learning structures that are supportive to the learner would also help to change the attitude of learners towards training. Apart from this, dissemination of information, and methods of delivery would also make the training be entertaining thus changing the negative attitude of learners towards training. Financial constraints as a situational constraint could be overcome by the organization providing learners with loans or grants that would enable them to purchase the training. Additionally, the organization could also take up the cost of training thus allowing employees to access the training without any difficulty. Lack of organization support is another constraint to learning. Development of a proper opportunity of learning would help the organization to change its perception towards training thus supporting the employees. In this case, the organiz ation would be given facts concerning the importance of the training towards the success of the organization. Availability of qualified trainers is another constraint to learning. Without trainers, no learning would take place. In order to overcome this barrier, qualified trainers would be hired for the training program. Increasing the salaries of trainers would help in attracting experienced and qualified trainers into the training program. Training venues need to be adapted to allow the learners with exceptional needs to access the training. All training venues should be adapted so that they would satisfy the exceptional needs of the learners. Elevators and escalators should be fitted into storey venues in order to enhance quick movement of learners from one floor to another. Resources, learning materials, and assessment tools that are needed for the training should be identified prior to the training. Early

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Risk and resilience Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Risk and resilience - Assignment Example Childhood resilience is, therefore, the phenomenon of positive adaptation despite significant lifes adversities. The topic of risk and resilience in children is important and should be understood by people of all lifestyles. This is because it is a menace affecting children and adolescents in India, China, United States, Malawi, South Asian Countries, sub-Sahara countries of Africa among others. Most of these risks are unavoidable because they are unpredictable such as death of parents/guardian, forced migration and armed conflicts (Boyden and Mann 3). Although some of them are for a good course, for example, parents migrating with or without their families in search of greener pastures. It behooves such parents to explain in depth their reason for migration, so that their children can understand their parents perspective and so that they can adapt to the situation easily. Additionally, parents and older individuals should try to talk to children about real life in order for them to strike a balance between their imagination, the elders experience and real life situations when they are faced w ith challenges now or even in the future. Children who have had good interactive conversations, relationships and understanding with older people are able to adapt despite lifes adversities. This is because, they have been able to relate to the experiences of others and they are able to hope for a better tomorrow despite their current situations. In some instances, children and adolescents who have grown up in the streets and/or in the settlement schemes/slums, those who have lost their parents and/their guardians and those who have had bitter experiences such as war are able to adapt positively although some might suffer greatly from posttraumatic stress disorder. The disorder might be long term, but others get over it and lead a normal life. Therefore,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Summary the article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Summary the article - Essay Example conclusion, notes and references with details of writers, Keywords used in the study include bargaining agency fees, free riding, trade union membership and union joining. Free riding has been a contentious issue in Australian industrial relations. 51.7 % employees are considered as deliberately free riding. Implications of findings for union renewal have been discussed in the study. Large numbers of Australian workers take a free ride on union membership gaining the benefits of union coverage without paying costs of provision. Unionists view this as unfair. The study discusses free riding in detail, explains methods used for survey and discusses implications for public policy and union strategy. Unions cannot provide services free of cost but at the same time cannot afford to loose members. Free riding is important issue since it deprives unions of financial resources that could be used for organizing and power resources that could be used at the bargaining table and in the political arena. Data gathered helps to test whether benefits motivate people to join unions or not. The study differentiates between true free riders and induced riders. In USA, free riding is covered by union contracts. Cases in USA, Britain and New Zealand have been discussed as empirical studies. There are varieties of motivations for employees for joining or not joining unions basing on demography and worker characteristics. In Australia, free riding has increased from 1930s to 1990s due to decline in compulsory membership. In1990 agency fee of AUS $ 500 was increased from 300. It was imposed by ETU, and contributed a lot towards free riding. In 2001, fees were challenged but AIRC rejected the chall enge. In 2003, compulsory fees were outlawed under Act 2003 passed by Liberal National Government. Data used is based on AWRPS 2004, which surveyed 1000 Australian workers. Computer assisted telephone interviews were conducted from October

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Council Responsible for Genetics Essay Example for Free

Council Responsible for Genetics Essay The Council for Responsible Genetics (CRG) is a non-profit NGO with a focus on biotechnology , the Council for Responsible Genetics was founded in 1983 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. An early voice concerned about the social and ethical implications of modern genetic technologies, CRG organized a 1985 Congressional Briefing and a 1986 panel of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, both focusing on the potential dangers of genetically engineered biological weapons. Francis Boyle was asked to draft legislation setting limits on the use of genetic engineering, leading to the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989. CRG was the first organization to compile documented cases of genetic discrimination, laying the intellectual groundwork for the Genetic Information Non-discrimination Act of 2008 (GINA). The organization created both a Genetic Bill of Rights and a Citizens Guide to Genetically Modified Food. Also notable are CRGs support for the Safe Seeds Campaign (for avoiding gene flow from genetically engineered to non-GE seed) and the organization of a US conference on Forensic DNA Databanks and Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System. In 2010 CRG led a successful campaign to roll back a controversial student genetic testing program at the University of California, Berkeley. In 2011, CRG led a campaign to successfully enact (GINA) in California which extended genetic privacy and non-discrimination protections to life, disability and long term care insurance, mortgages, lending and other areas. The Peoples Petition The Peoples Petition was an online campaign to express support for medical experimentation using animals in the United Kingdom. Within a year of launch the number of signatures exceeded 21,850 and included Tony Blair, the then-serving Prime Minister. By 13 May, the petition had recorded 13,000 signatures. The following day, in the wake of publicity around a number of acts of intimidation by animal rights activists, then British Prime Minister Tony Blair announced in the Sunday Telegraph, that he intended to add his name to the petition. As an unusual move for a serving politician, Blair described his intention as a sign of just how important I believe it is that as many people as possible stand up against the tiny group of extremists threatening medical research and advances in the UK. The petition offered the opportunity for individuals of any age or place of residence to express support for three assertions: * Medical research is essential for developing safe and effective medical and veterinary treatments, requiring some studies using animals. * Where there is no alternative available, medical research using animals should continue in the UK. * People involved in medical research using animals have a right to work and live without fear of intimidation or attack.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Columbian Exchange And The Colonization Of America Essay Example for Free

The Columbian Exchange And The Colonization Of America Essay The Columbian Exchange refers to the exchange of diseases, ideas, food crops, and populations between the New World and the Old World following the voyage to the Americas by Christopher Columbus in 1492. While some had cataclysmic results for the indigenous populations, other interactions led to exchanges of ideas and resources. These exchanges altered life on both sides of the Atlantic. In North America many native cultures had lived and thrived across the continent. Meanwhile, in Europe, the thirst for knowledge and discovery had led to a competition among. European nations to establish and dominate trade routes to acquire the exotic resources of Asia. Each country began to finance voyages of exploration to see who could find a quick and profitable trade route. Spain, England, the Netherlands and France began to travel west, across the Atlantic, to places that were unknown, at that time, to Europeans. Unaware of how large the world actually was and equipped with basic and inaccurate maps, many decades passed before any of these early travelers realized that they were not traveling to Asia, but actually had stumbled upon a land previously unknown to them. However, these lands were well known to their native inhabitants. By the time Africans and Europeans came to the Western Hemisphere, most peoples of the Caribbean and the coastal mainland lived in sedentary villages or semi- permanent encampments. They had organized themselves into clusters of families and hierarchical communities that were recognizable to Europeans, and they identified among themselves leaders, servants, and specialists of many kinds, American Indian society had not been static before it came into contact and conflict with Europeans. The native people hunted, gathered, and grew an array of foods that nourished millions of people. In short the Americas were not an empty land when the Europeans arrived. (HBG 1) Indigenous North Americans exhibited a remarkable range of language, economies, political systems, beliefs and material cultures. (HBG 25) The Old and New World gained from the Columbian Exchange in a number of ways. The Spanish introduced a wide variety of domesticated livestock to the Americas, including cattle, goats, swine, and horses. Of all the animals introduced by the Europeans, the horse held particular attraction. Native Americans first encountered it as a fearsome beast ridden by Spanish conquistadors. However, they soon learned to ride and raise horses themselves. In the North American great plains, the arrival of the horse revolutionized Native American life, permitting tribes to hunt the buffalo far more effectively. Several Native American groups left farming to become buffalo-hunting nomads and, the most formidable enemies of European expansion in the Americas. The Native Americans, in turn, introduced the Europeans to a variety of beans and squashes, as well as the potato and tobacco. Tobacco, was so universally adopted that it came to be used as a substitute for currency in many parts of the world. The exchange also drastically increased the availability of many Old World crops, such as sugar and coffee, which were particularly well-suited for the soils of the New World, Agricultural discoveries ultimately proved more important to the future of Europe than the gold and silver the conquistadores valued so highly. (Brinkley 20) The transfer of foods between the Old and New Worlds during the Columbian Exchange had important consequences for world history. There are two channels through which the Columbian Exchange expanded the global supply of agricultural goods. First, it introduced previously unknown species to the Old World. Such American foods as squash, pumpkins, beans, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and potatoes, also found their way back to Europe and in the process revolutionized European agriculture. (Brinkley 20) Second, the discovery of the Americas provided the Old World with vast quantities of relatively unpopulated land well-suited for the cultivation of certain crops that were in high demand in Old World markets. Crops such as sugar, coffee, soybeans, oranges, and bananas were all introduced to the New World, and the Americas quickly became the main suppliers of these crops globally. The primary benefit of the New World staples was that they could be grown in Old World climates that were unsuitable for the cultivation of Old World staples. This benefit of New World crops has resulted in their adoption in all parts of the world. The exchange not only brought gains, but also losses. European contact enabled the transmission of diseases to previously isolated communities, which caused devastation far exceeding that of even the Black Death in fourteenth-century Europe. Most areas of the New World experienced a demographic catastrophe, as least as grave as, and in many places far worse than the Black Death. (Brinkley 20) Europeans brought deadly viruses and bacteria, such as smallpox, measles, typhus, and cholera, for which Native Americans had no immunity, Native groups inhabiting some of the large islands and some areas of Mexico were virtually extinct within fifty years of their first contact with whites. (Brinkley 19) On their return home, European sailors brought syphilis to Europe. Although less deadly, the disease was known to have caused great social disruption throughout the Old World. The effects of the Columbian Exchange were not isolated to the parts of the world most directly participating in the exchange: Europe and the Americas. It also had large impacts on Africa and Asia. Europeans used the new lands as sources of precious metals and plantation agriculture. Both were complex operations that required labor in large, closely supervised groups. Attempts to enslave native peoples failed, and attempts to force them into other forms of bound labor were slightly more successful but also failed because workers died of disease. Europeans turned to the African slave trade as a source of labor for the Americas. The native populations could not meet all the labor needs of the colonists because of disease and war therefore, European settlers began importing slaves from Africa. (Brinkley 21) During the colonial periods of North and South America and the Caribbean, far more Africans than Europeans came to the New World. The slave trade brought wealth to some Europeans and some Africans, but the growth of the slave trade disrupted African political systems, and robbed many African societies of their young men. Millions of Africans were shipped to the Americas during the transatlantic slave trade, the largest involuntary migration in human history. The trade was fueled by the high demand for labor in the Americas, which was driven, at least in part, by two aspects of the Columbian Exchange: The first was the spread of Old World diseases to Native Americans, which resulted in extremely low population densities in the New World. The second was the cultivation of highly prized Old World crops, such as sugar and coffee, which were particularly well suited to New World soils and climates. The result was the forced movement of slaves from Africa to the Americas which had devastating consequences for the African continent. In addition to economic motives for colonization there were also religious ones. It became required that Catholicism be the only religion of the colonies. Missionaries were sent out to convert Native Americans to Catholicism, Priests or friars accompanied almost all colonizing ventures. Through their zealous work, the gospel of the Catholic Church ultimately extended throughout South and Central America, Mexico and into the South and Southwest of present United States (Brinkley 16) The Columbian Exchange brought about the greatest interchange of different people, ideas, plants, and animals that has ever been known in the history of the world. Some positive effects, like the agricultural growth and use of the potato and other staple crops in the Old World enhanced people’s lives. The trading of livestock also greatly enhanced the opportunities for the settlers and Native Americans. Still, some results were negative, such as the exploitation of the Native Americans by European colonists, and their depopulation due to the communicable diseases of the Old World that came from across the ocean. The Columbian Exchange had a significantly negative impact on the African slaves. The European success story in the Americas was achieved at horrendous expense for the millions of Native Americans who died and for the millions of Africans who were enslaved. The most perplexing fact about the Columbian Exchange is that it cannot be truly described as completely positive or negative, but just that it happened.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Why the Employee Engagement Survey is Out of Date

Why the Employee Engagement Survey is Out of Date May 25, 2015 Abstract The objective of this project is to examine a current article and determine the capacity to analysis the current event by developing a rational summary (Schinker, 2015). This article is about the review of a somewhat outdated management method that has recently been given an updated title. The company examined within the article can be any kind of general company and is intended to be used as an illustration of what any company is able of transforming (Schinker, 2015). This is article is intended to demonstration what is not functioning within a company and how that company can go about revamping their method of providing an enjoyable work experience. Current Event Summarization The article that I found for my current event was â€Å"Why the employee engagement survey is out of date?† and is basically a summarization of another article titled â€Å"Its Time To Rethink The Employee Engagement Issue† with an ultimate resolution. So to begin the author of â€Å"Its Time To Rethink The Employee Engagement Issue† is Josh Bersin and based off of my article he argues that the conventional yearly engagement survey is invalid and unnecessary (Red, 2015). Bersin asks for more of an all-inclusive, unified, and instantaneous method to assessing and pushing for greater amounts of associate dedication and desire (Bersin, 2014). The most noted yearly engagement survey developer was actually Gallup who created the initial survey over 30 years ago (Bersin, 2014). Gallup was initially motivated by the industrial engineer Frederick Taylor’s work of the late-1800s (Bersin, 2014). Taylor was the first to notice the increased associate satisfaction on the steel business’ production rates (Bersin, 2014). My article continues to explain that Bersin has an argument that allows us to understand that this old evaluation standard is no longer applicable due to the fact that there are currently too many types of surveying tools used to gauge associate engagement (Red, 2015). The first reason why this evaluation standard is no longer applicable is because the standard is just too constricted (Red, 2015). Based off of my article Bersin implies that the conventional engagement survey is not as comprehensive as it could be (Red, 2015). Developing work societies mean redefining most management designs, the job atmosphere, and even the labor force itself which normally are excluded from most surveys (Red, 2015). Therefore, Bersin goes on to state that companies have to look past these aspects of engagement and come up with innovated ways to make their associates feel wanted and cherished (Red, 2015). Types of ways my article says this is possible could be by providing snack rooms, rooms to relax in, and even ways to eliminate stress such as yoga or a masseuses (Red, 2015). The other reason why this evaluation standard is no longer applicable is because the term engagement is misleading (Red, 2015). Based off of my article it states that Bersin even has a problem with the term â€Å"engagement† he says that engaging a company’s associates is no longer adequate (Red, 2015). He says that a company’s associates have to ready to commit or marry the company (Red, 2015). Yet, the only way this would be possible is by establishing a company that makes their associates want to come to work (Red, 2015). Based off of the article Bersin feels that it would be best if companies began utilizing a new evaluation standard besides the conventional yearly engagement survey (Red, 2015). With that said a new method that companies could adopt would be by gauging the delight and career fulfillment on a regular basis (Red, 2015). By placing instantaneous reaction instruments to a company’s associates it allows these associates to straightforwardly convey their emotions to management so that they can control any disputes before that become overwhelming (Red, 2015). The article also states that based off of Bersin’s perspective that associates should be viewed as the core to a company’s production instead of as just cogs in the machine, which can be interpreted by saying that instead of a company working their associates to the bone that they could utilize the new method mentioned above and make themselves seductive to the associates and they will engage themselves much more o ften (Red, 2015). Current Event Determination Earlier this week we discussed a topic called the quality of work life programs. I feel that this article greatly relates to this concept due to the fact that by engaging a company’s associates they can determine what makes going to work irresistible. This is what the quality of work life programs do for the companies that use them. Therefore, we can see with the following chart that quality of work life programs could basically be the solution to the engagement survey problem. (Gayathiri Ramakrishnan, 2013). With what I have learned this week in regards to what the quality of work life programs are they are essentially expected to help enhance the personal lives of a company’s associates and their functionality to more of an acceptable standard. Now with this said to determine the solution to the question of whether I feel the article discussed a prediction of a recovery, if a negative approach, or success, if a new launch or revamping of a current policy/approach, to this issue?† (Schinker, 2015). I believe that with the concept that the end of the article â€Å"Why the employee engagement survey is out of date?† discussed that the quality of work life programs are the solution to the engagement survey issue and could become very effective in the long run for many companies. I also feel that as long as companies attempt to work with their associates this concept will become even better than the â€Å"engagement survey† concept. Therefore, I believe that as lon g as companies are trying to enhance their method of associate engagement and try to utilize some of the abundant resources accessible to them that they can handle their functionality issues successfully. Conclusion With all of the material from above I trust that the article â€Å"Why the employee engagement survey is out of date?† is an applicable article that completely displays that I understand what make this a management issue (Schinker, 2015). The rationale for this is due to the fact that the article expresses a procedure that is similar to the quality of work life programs, which are a management concept that we discussed this week. The quality of work life programs can also be used as a means for managers to enhance the lives of their associates and the inclusive functionality of the company. References Bersin, J. (2014, April 10). Its Time To Rethink The Employee Engagement Issue. Retrieved May 21, 2015, from Gayathiri, R., Ramakrishnan, L. (2013, January 1). Quality of Work Life – Linkage with Job Satisfaction and Performance. Retrieved May 25, 2015, from, Red, L. (2015, March 12). Why the employee engagement survey is out of date. Retrieved May 25, 2015, from Schinker, R. (2015). Week 2 Current Event Paper Assignment Description. Retrieved May 21, 2015, from

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

The American Red Cross The American Red Cross is an organization which has been helping people for many years. They take donations and put them toward helping people in times of need. They are a valued institution in the US. This paper will discuss the causes and effects of the American Red Cross. The Red Cross started in Geneva Switzerland. It provided nonpartisan care to wounded and sick starting in 1863. Clara Barton started a branch of the Red Cross in the US in 1881. It is called the American Red Cross. The American Red Cross takes donations and uses them to help the victims of disasters, wars and other times of need. The American Red Cross now responds to about 63,000 disasters every year. The American Red Cross has some paid employees as well as many volunteers. (American Red Cross). Human societies of different nations and culture contain people (also social members and actors) that constantly interact with social institutions and organizations, primarily because these institutions achieve a common goal that is desirable and agreeable to an individual or group. The American Red Cross is an example of such organization, which is a humanitarian organization centering on volunteerism, and provides "relief of victims of disasters and help people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies. This is one the biggest Red Cross relief operation in the past five years, and we are so grateful for the generosity of Walgreens and its customers in support of our work said Gail McGovern, president and CEO of the Red Cross. (Gail McGovern) â€Å"This non-profit and independent organization offers humanitarian services such as blood donations, financial/monetary donation and funding, tissue donation, volunteerism, planned... ...Over 116,000 individuals and families were affected. The American Red Cross also operated over 470 shelters. The hurricane destroyed 16,500 dwellings and damaged 140,000 others. It killed at least 65 people and disrupted the area’s water and electricity. In the Caribbean over 300 paid staff and disaster specialists were assigned to help and 230 paid employees were assigned in the US. This hurricane cost 64 million dollars’ worth of damage. The American Red Cross helped rebuild homes, clean up damage, provide shelter for those who lost homes etc. 30 days after Hugo hit an earthquake rocked North Car! The Red Cross has helped many people and the Red Cross will hopefully continue contributing to the US and other parts of the world for many years to come. They have been working very hard since the 9/11 tragedy. They deserve a lot of credit for all of the work.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Line Between Feudalism and Capitalism :: Economics Economical Government Papers

The Line Between Feudalism and Capitalism We consider America to be a capitalist nation, but what exactly makes it capitalist? Webster’s dictionary defines capitalism as an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state owned wealth. Capitalism affects the people in it on a daily basis; it affects the way they live their daily lives. A break down in this, supposedly perfect, economic system may occur resulting in a case of feudalism. This can still be found today even, in America. Feudalism is defined in Webster’s dictionary as a system of political organizations prevailing in Europe from the 9th to 15th centuries having as its basis the relation of lord to vassal with all land held in fee and as chief characteristics homage, the service of tenants under arms and in court, ward ship, and forfeiture. There are define d social differences and similarities between capitalism and feudalism; these differences can be seen when comparing and contrasting the reality-based movies Norma Rae and Matewan. There are many similarities between Norma Rae and Matewan making it hard at times to see which economic system is feudalism and which is capitalism. These similarities cause confusion, even today, in deciding what can be considered feudalism and what can be considered capitalism. This is because in both systems the employers have a significant amount of control over their employees' lives. Both movies are about employees in large factory situations trying to better their working conditions by unionizing the company. Neither the Stone Mountain Coal Company, in Matewan nor the O.P. Henley Textile Mill, in Norma Rae seemed to truly care about the welfare of their employees. For example, in Matewan the coal miners were suffering from the coal dust cutting their lungs. This problem could have been easily alleviated, had the company cared, by providing the employees with masks. Another major problem was the premature explosions in the mine, which were also caused by coal dust and often resulted in death. This problem would have been more difficult to remedy, but it could have been done. The company just didn't care enough about the lives of its workers to spend the money necessary to correct the problem.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Kiss of the Spider Woman

In Manuel Puig’s novel Kiss of the Spider Woman, Molina and Valentin use fantasy as a way of escapism. Firstly, Molina uses the films he tells in the cell to escape his unfavorable and lonely life by creating a preferred reality through the fantasy he creates in them. Secondly, the setting of the cell itself provides Molina with a sanctuary from the outside world, allowing him to escape from the gender roles in which he is confined in and fantasize about taking on the feminine role with Valentin through the isolation of jail.Lastly, in Valentin’s morphine-induced fantasy at the end of the novel, he can escape from the socially accepted stereotypical male gender roles and express his true feelings about Molina. Firstly, Molina uses the fantasy presented in the films he reiterates as a way to escape from the harsh reality of the real world, creating his own, more favourable one. This perspective can be seen throughout the novel, particularly in association with the strong romantic and feminine aspects displayed in the films.A film that allows Molina to escape the real world is told through his stream of consciousness in chapter five, which tells the love story between an unattractive maid and a young soldier, face scarred by the war. This film is very personal to Molina in two aspects. Firstly, it is told not aloud to Valentin, but inside his own head, and secondly, it features a protagonist who is an outcast to society who nonetheless finds love. It is told through the first person perspective of the maid, and the use of personal pronouns draw a connection between the characters of Molina and the maid.This parallel characterization is heightened through the maid’s casual and repeated reference to herself as an â€Å"ugly girl† (100), mimicking Molina’s expressions of self-deprecation through belittling diction. He is constantly using words like â€Å"revulsion† (260) and â€Å"disgust† (262) to describe himself wi th, and he even interjects the film to recount the judge’s description of him as â€Å"the worst, a revolting fag† (106). It is clear that Molina, a gay man living in a homophobic country of machismo men feels like an outsider with a lack of self worth.In the chapter three, Molina relates the story of his unrequited love for the waiter Gabriel: a heterosexual man who does not return Molina’s feelings. Molina is escaping from the bitter truth of his own love-less life and living through the fantasies he presents in the form of films: an outlet that allows him to experience a preferred and utopian reality. Puig’s purpose in drawing a parallel between the maid and Molina is to express Molina’s intense desire to find love and acceptance and suggest the eventuality this lies in Molina’s future, as it did for the maid.Through film, Molina can escape the bitter actuality of his own life into his own highly romantic and idealistic fantasies. Not onl y does Molina use fantasy in his stories as a way of escapism, through the isolation of their cell, Molina can escape from confining traditional gender roles and assume the feminine role with Valentin, a form of fantasy for him. Throughout the novel, it has been made clear that Molina identifies with women; even claiming â€Å"I want to be one† (19). Inside the cell Molina is able to escape from the prejudice experienced in his primarily homophobic country and don the feminine traits he associates himself with.Molina cares for Valentin when the latter becomes ill, indulging in a fantasy in which he is sympathetic, caring and maternal. For example: â€Å"But you have to wait for that, until you feel okay, and you can be sure that you only get half of that†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (156). It is obvious that Molina enjoys being subservient to Valentin. In a sense, Molina is not so much homosexual as he merely believes himself a woman. Indeed, he firmly believes in the stereotypical and tra ditional roles of men and women: â€Å"But if a man is†¦my husband, he has to give the orders, so he will feel right. That’s the natural thing, because that makes him†¦ the man of the house† (244).Molina’s identification of himself as female is what makes him subject to prejudice, such as the kind he experienced with the judge. Towards the end of the novel, Molina comes to the realization that his situation outside the jail cell will never change, and that the fantasy he is experiencing with Valentin will not last: â€Å"No, they’ll never change†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (215). Puig creates the irony that it is within the confines of prison that Molina feels the most free, and it is outside where he feels imprisoned. Inside the jail cell, Molina is able to escape the bleak future in which he foresees himself never fully being able to embrace his gender identity.The fantasy he is living with Valentin is an opportunity to live his life like a woman, free fro m prejudice and discrimination. Although it is mainly Molina who utilizes fantasy throughout the novel, in his stream of consciousness at the end of the novel, it is Valentin who escapes from the pain of real life and the confinement of the cell into a morphine-induced fantasy. In this dream-like state, Valentin, free from socially accepted gender roles, is able to express his true feelings and thoughts.At the beginning of the novel, Valentin’s only addition to the films appeared in blunt interruptions, often times closer to criticism of the films than positive contribution: â€Å"I don’t really get it, it’s very confusing the way you tell it† (12). As the novel progressed, and Valentin and Molina grew closer together, the dialogue between them became of greater significance, as Valentin let down his emotional guard. This emotional development culminated in Valentin’s expressive and out of character dream, full of vivid imagery, in which he can esc ape from the expectations of his gender, and express his true feelings, specifically towards Molina.The metaphor of Molina as the Spider Woman is epitomized in this chapter and through this image, Valentin can express his true feelings about him: â€Å"†¦so many threads that look like hairy like ropes and disgust me, even though if I were to touch them they might feel as smooth as who knows what, but it makes me queasy to touch them† (280). This represents Valentin’s initial unease about being intimate with Molina, but at the same time knowing that allowing someone into his personal life could potentially be gratifying.Being part of a revolutionary group, Valentin has been accustomed to severing personal relations that interfere with the cause. At the same time, he has been associated with having very masculine traits, even proclaiming: â€Å"I’m no woman† (38). By Valentin admitting both that he had sex with Molina, and that he â€Å"enjoyed itâ₠¬  (280) shows an immense diversion from his characterization at the beginning of the novel. In this fantastical state, he can escape from the traditional gender roles in which is perceived with and admit to his true sentiments.In conclusion, fantasy plays a very important role in terms of escapism for Molina and Valentin in the novel, both in terms of physical and physiological situations. Molina and Valentin experience three key escapist fantasies throughout the novel: Molina uses the fantasies in the films to escape his own disparaging life, Molina uses the setting of the cell itself as an escape for the gender roles he sees himself confined in in the outside world, and Valentin’s dream like fantasy allows him to express his true feelings and escape confining male gender roles.The purpose of these fantasies in Kiss of the Spider Woman is to provide the characters with an environment in which they can escape from the confines of their life and express their true feelings. Indeed, it is these fantasies that provide illuminating characterization and allow the reader to truly discern the nature of the characters of Molina and Valentin.Work Cited Puig, Manuel. Kiss of the Spider Woman. New York: Knopf, 1979. Print.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper – Controlled assessment Alan Milne ‘The police investigative methods were to blame for not capturing Jack the Ripper’. To what extent do you agree with this statement? I think that policing methods were to blame for jack the ripper not being caught because they were heavily influenced by the public, media and press this shows us that they were scared and intimidated by them and had to control them as riots may of broke out.Although I think they were to blame, people could argue that they weren’t as people believe that they tried everything with what little technology they had and other resources they had. The first reason why I think they were to blame is that they were heavily influenced by media, press and the public this meant that they had to take extra caution when taking in suspects (e. g. eather apron who was taken in by the police as the public were after him) as it could have been taken the wrong way and a public up rage could occur which would of made life harder for the police, as they were focusing all their attention on that which was a waste of their time, however they did try and tackle these problems by carrying out I. D parades, interviews and door to door methods but most of these were ineffective as they were held weeks after the murders, and because it was the norm to be drunk at the time people would often forget about the murders appearance, â€Å"only 65% of people doing I. D parades would remember the person†. Bloody Britain) Another tactic the police used was their own officers dressing up as women or using known prostitutes to act as decoys so they could catch the killer red handed, this may have worked if they carried on using it, but something that was a problem were the locations of the murders which were badly lit and Whitechapel was full of networks of small alleys, lanes, and streets which made it very easy for Jack to commit the murder and run away/ get away extremely quickly, th e police attempted to solve this problem and sent more police officers out a quote to support this is â€Å"They followed up every lead, however tenuous, they drafted in extra men who were to remain in Whitechapel on high alert† (Crime archive/Val Horsler) this suggests to me that they had an effective method but didn’t use it to their advantage as much as they could of done e. g. have police patrolling but others observing areas on streets corners making it another reason for them to be blamed another quote is â€Å"No-one could say that there wasn’t enough police patrolling the east end† (The star – Newspaper) there may have been a lot of officers but the location of the murders and the narrow lanes did not help them in any way as they just couldn’t cover the whole of Whitechapel.Evidence that the police found was often washed away or moved from the crime scene as they thought that it would cause public/social disorder this was a major fau lt for the police as it could have been the key to catching the killer or it could have helped them in their investigation, a quote to support this is â€Å"Today the whole crime scene would be cordoned off and the victim remained there until examined by forensics, whereas in the Whitechapel murders police believed that they should get the body, evidence away as it causes social disorder† (Definitive Jack – Richard Jones Historian) this stresses the point that the police could not have their own decisions and were very weak as it seems to us that the public controlled them. The police force was very weak as they didn’t use methods that had great potential to their advantages. Another reason is because people that they asked to examine the body doctors / surgeons they were giving the police conflicting information. â€Å"Police had conflicting information from coroners and doctors† (Jack the ripper) this made it extremely difficult for the police to progre ss as they didn’t have accurate information from one person, also technology was very poor so they couldn’t have a concrete way or decision of how one of the women died.Another reason why they were weak is because a lot of immigrants lived in London but didn’t speak English so police had more pressure on finding the killer but couldn’t get further as they couldn’t co-operate with anyone, on the other hand if they did have an interpreter not much co-operation would of occurred anyway as people were often drunk, violent and the public didn’t really like the police anyway so door to door and interviewing methods were poor as they didn’t co-operate. When the police had the chance of using blood hounds they should of kept using them as they were effective proven by the police today, but the public and media pressure swayed them to not use them as it was seen to be stupid and dangerous if the dogs were to attack an innocent person.Dogs in t he police force were not used for another 70 years, this could have helped them catch Jack or lead them to clues. If the police had access to fingerprinting and blood testing I think that jack would have been caught and the police would have had a better reputation from the public and media. In conclusion I think that the police were to blame because they couldn’t think for themselves and didn’t trust their own ideas and let the public, media and the press control their actions. Also if they didn’t move evidence from the crime scenes or bodies then I think that they could have caught Jack and if they would have trusted the dogs it could have helped them a lot more.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

House of Hades

Now, in this next instalment in the Heroes of Olympus, The House of Hades, Percy and Annabeth must cross the most miserable place unimaginable with the help of the Titan Bob, hile their demigod friends aboard the Argo II still fghts their way through the Mare Nostrum-or as mortals call it-the Mediterranean Sea. Both are standing at crossroads. In about a month, the Roman demigods will march to Camp Half-Blood to begin war, and Gaea will finally rise.The stakes are higher than ever in this adventure that dives into the depths of Tartarus. Our dear Uncle Rick has done it again. He has created the most gripping tale by far in his Percy Jackson world. The demigods not Just have to battle horrifying and terrifying monsters, but also their wn true fears – something much worse than having a physical wound. Even though we have met some of the characters in the last series, they still never fail to surprise us in every chapter.Rick carefully developed their personalities and characteri stics, such as when Percy & Annabeth's love was challenged as they travel through Tartarus, and also Nico's shocking revelation. Percy will also experience the consequences of what he has done in the past years that he thought at first was the ight thing to do-consequences involving losing Annabeth forever. For the new characters, Rick showed us their different sides and aspects.We may think we really know them, but we will find them walking the different path than they might have expected. Each character was written with care, showing their deepest secrets, and the friendships & relationships aboard the Argo II continues to blossom. The House of Hades will leave readers and fans anticipating for the next instalment, The Blood of Olympus, which is set to release next fall 2014.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Limitation Of The Study Guide Essay

Identifying limitations, and explaining how important they are There are many possible limitations that your research may have faced. However, is not necessary for you to discuss all of these limitations in your Research Limitations section. After all, you are not writing a 2000 word critical review of the limitations of your dissertation, just a 200-500 word critique that is only one section long (i.e., the Research Limitationssection within your Conclusions chapter). Therefore, in this first announcing move, we would recommend that you identify only those limitations that had the greatest potential impact on: (a) the quality of your findings; and (b) your ability to effectively answer your research questions and/or hypotheses. We use the word potential impact because we often do not know the degree to which different factors limited our findings or our ability to effectively answer our research questions and/or hypotheses. For example, we know that when adopting a quantitative research design, a failure to use a probability sampling technique significantly limits our ability to make broader generalisations from our results (i.e., our ability to make statistical inferences from our sample to the population being studied). However, the degree to which this reduces the quality of our findings is a matter of debate. Also, whilst the lack of a probability sampling technique when using a quantitative research design is a very obvious example of a research limitation, other limitations are far less clear. Therefore, the key point is to focus on those limitations that you feel had the greatest impact on your findings, as well as your ability to effectively answer your research questions and/or hypotheses. Overall, the announcing move should be around 10-20% of the total word count of the Research Limitations section. THE REFLECTING MOVE Explaining the nature of the limitations and justifying the choices you made Having identified the most important limitations to your dissertation in the announcing move, the reflecting move focuses on explaining the nature of these limitations and justifying the choices that you made during the research process. This part should be around 60-70% of the total word count of the Research Limitations section. It is important to remember at this stage that all research suffers from limitations, whether it is performed by  undergraduate and master’s level dissertation students, or seasoned academics. Acknowledging such limitations should not be viewed as a weakness, highlighting to the person marking your work the reasons why you should receive a lower grade. Instead, the reader is more likely to accept that you recognise the limitations of your own research if you write a high quality reflecting move. This is because explaining the limitations of your research and justifying the choices you made during the dissertation process demonstrates the command that you had over your research. We talk about explaining the nature of the limitations in your dissertation because such limitations are highly research specific. Let’s take the example of potential limitations to your sampling strategy. Whilst you may have a number of potential limitations in sampling strategy, let’s focus on the lack of probability sampling; that is, of all the different types of sampling technique that you could have used [see Types of probability sampling and Types of non-probability sampling], you choose not to use a probability sampling technique (e.g., simple random sampling, systematic random sampling, stratified random sampling). As mentioned, if you used a quantitative research design in your dissertation, the lack of probability sampling is an important, obvious limitation to your research. This is because it prevents you from making generalisations about the population you are studying (e.g. Facebook usage at a single university of 20,000 students) from the data you have collected (e.g., a survey of 400 students at the same university). Since an important component of quantitative research is such generalisation, this is a clear limitation. However, the lack of a probability sampling technique is not viewed as a limitation if you used a qualitative research design. In qualitative research designs, a non-probability sampling technique is typically selected over a probability sampling technique. And this is just part of the puzzle? Even if you used a quantitative research design, but failed to employ a probability sampling technique, there are still many perfectly justifiable reasons why you could have made such a choice. For example, it may have been impossible (or near on impossible) to get a list of the population you were studying (e.g., a list of all the 20,000 students at the single university you were interested in). Since probability sampling is only possible when we  have such a list, the lack of such a list or inability to attain such a list is a perfectly justifiable reason for not using a probability sampling technique; even if such a technique is the ideal. As such, the purpose of all the guides we have written on research limitations is to help you: (a) explain the nature of the limitations in your dissertation; and (b) justify the choices you made. In helping you to justifying the choices that you made, these articles explain not only when something is, in theory, an obvious limitation, but how, in practice, such a limitation was not necessarily so damaging to the quality of your dissertation. This should significantly strengthen the quality of your Research Limitations section. THE FORWARD LOOKING MOVE Suggesting how such limitations could be overcome in future Finally, the forward looking move builds on the reflecting move by suggesting how the limitations you have discuss could be overcome through future research. Whilst a lot could be written in this part of the Research Limitations section, we would recommend that it is only around 10-20% of the total word count for this section. Limitations Limitations of a dissertation are potential weaknesses in your study that are mostly out of your control, given limited funding, choice of research design, statistical model constraints, or other factors. In addition, a limitation is a restriction on your study that cannot be reasonably dismissed and can affect your design and results. Do not worry about limitations because limitations affect virtually all research projects, as well as most things in life. Even when you are going to your favorite restaurant, you are limited by the menu choices. If you went to a restaurant that had a menu that you were craving, you might not receive the service, price, or location that makes you enjoy your favorite restaurant. If you studied participants’ responses to a survey, you might be limited in your abilities to gain the exact type or geographic scope of participants you wanted. The people whom you managed to get to take your survey may not truly be a random sample, which is also a limit ation. If you used a common test for data findings, your results are limited by the reliability of the test. If your study was limited to a certain amount of time, your results are affected by the operations of society during that time period (e.g., economy, social trends). It is important for you to remember that limitations of a dissertation are often not something that can be solved by the researcher. Also, remember that whatever limits you also limits other researchers, whether they are the largest medical research companies or consumer habits corporations. Certain kinds of limitations are often associated with the analytical approach you take in your research, too. For example, some qualitative methods like heuristics or phenomenology do not lend themselves well to replicability. Also, most of the commonly used quantitative statistical models can only determine correlation, but not causation.

Analysing The Queens Received Pronunciation English Language Essay

Analysing The Queens Received Pronunciation English Language Essay The purpose of this project is to identify if the Queen speaks with the same polished Received Pronunciation (RP) accent today as she did 50 years ago and whether there have been any generational variations to the RP spoken within the Royal Family. Firstly this project will introduce the subject of sociolinguistics with a focus on the differences between accents and dialects and the history and rules pertaining to RP. Secondly, current opinions and attitudes will be discussed along with recent research that has been carried out examining the decline of RP. Lastly it will analyse findings from my own comparisons of three Royal Family dialogues. Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society, and how society influences or affects the way in which language is used by individuals or groups (Crystal, 2008). When a person talks it is easy to recognise regional differences in their speech as everyone has an accent or dialect and this can often lead to assump tions about their background, education and even their place in society. It is important to understand the difference between an accent and a dialect as they are two very different aspects of speech. An accent refers to the differences in pronunciation only (Crystal, 2008), for example, a speaker with a southern accent would pronounce /a/ using long vowel /a:/ whereas a speaker with a northern accent would pronounce /a/ with a short vowel /à ¦/: Long vowel, Southern Short vowel, Northern Bath /bÉ‘:ÃŽÂ ¸/ /bà ¦ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¸/ Grass /gra:s/ /grà ¦s/ Demand /di:ma:nd/ /di:mà ¦nd/ A dialect however refers to the features of pronunciation along with grammar and vocabulary such as sentence structure and use of verbs. For example: Standard English Regional Dialect She is a good girl She’s a canny lass (Geordie/Newcastle) How are you? Ow bist old butt? (Forest of Dean) He is frightened He’s feeling frit (Lincolnshire) I’ll visit in the Autumn I’ll visi t in the fall (American English) An accent and a dialect can both give an indication as to the speaker’s geographical origin (Crystal, 2008). Due the growing variety of accents and dialects in the UK, a ‘Standard English’ (SE) has emerged that is taught in schools and used in print and broadcasting. It is also the standard taught to speakers of foreign languages. The phrase Received Pronunciation was initially coined in 1869 by the linguist A J Ellis but the phonetician, Daniel Jones, was the first person to adopt it to describe the accent of the social elite (British Library). Received Pronunciation (RP) is an accent that is associated with being typically British and is also known as ‘The Queens English’ or ‘BBC English’ as it is seen as a prestige accent (Graddol, Leith & Swann, 1996). No specific authority gave the accent its special status but as RP is spoken mainly in the south east it is generally associated with that area but it is found all over the country. It is a non specific accent as it gives no indication of a speaker’s geographical origin however it does reveal information about their social and educational background.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Curruption in Indonesia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Curruption in Indonesia - Essay Example Even reducing poverty to a more substantial extent would be an accomplishment. But the slow pace of getting out being free from corruption at a higher level would require addressing deeper issues that Indonesians themselves must know and realize as they face the problem. This paper will provide a more thorough discussion to these claims. One cannot separate the issue of corruption to political and economic liberation. Indonesians have fought corruption as evil towards their march to liberation. First, they had their political independence after World War II from the Dutch (Crouch, 1985) leading to democracy that would empower them politically and economically but the march seems to be slower than desired. Eradication of corruption levels, which are considered high using the standard used by the Transparency International is something that the vast majority of Indonesians themselves want to happen as they see corruption as an evil (World Bank, 2003). With the proposition that that corruption can the affect the ability of a nation or state to deliver basic public goods to its citizens, there is good reason to stop corruption if Indonesians are to enjoy the benefits of their acquired political freedom. If these people cannot get the essential services and the rules that allow their society to function successfully, they would always remain in an economic condition that is less comparable to developed ones. It would mean failing in the very purpose of their government by making a few to have good life but making many of the poor to suffer. If left uneradicated or not reduced to manageable level, corruption is expected to tax most the poor and the vulnerable Indonesia’s greater majority by creating high macro-economic risks. To illustrate, this would result to government not being able to collect the correct taxes that are due from its citizens and failure to do so could affect

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Safety and Health Issues in the Hospital Laboratory Essay

Safety and Health Issues in the Hospital Laboratory - Essay Example This is what occupational health and safety is all about; protecting the workers from the possible health and security hazards in the work place. Basically, occupational health and safety is an interdisciplinary field which is concerned with the protection of the safety, welfare and the health of the people in work or employment environment. Primarily, the workers are the one who are protected but as a secondary effect, the co-workers, family members, customers, suppliers, surrounding community and the general public that may be affected by the work environment have also to be protected. This paper seeks to highlight health and safety at the work place by considering a case study of a hospital laboratory. It will consider the possible health and safety hazards in the hospital laboratory and how they can easily be managed. Occupational health and safety is not a new idea because since 1950, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) jointly sought to define the concept. The paraphrased joint definition requires that occupational health aims at maintenance of the physical, social and mental wellbeing of all the workers in their workplace (Ladou, 2006). It should also prevent all the safety and health hazards caused by the working conditions thereby protecting the health and physical safety of the workers in a particular working environment. Finally, the practice of occupational safety health and safety also ensures the assignment and maintenance of workers in environment which is in tandem with both their psychological and physiological capacities and thereby adapting the worker to his job and vice versa. Having seen the three major concerns of the practice of occupational health and safety, we shall basically focus on the role of prevention of the safety and health hazards that are caused by the working conditions (Roughton, 2002). In this case, the work environment being considered is the hospital laboratory. 3.0 The Case Study The hospital laboratory is a very important part in the hospital system that helps in the diagnostic function of the system. The laboratory either confirms diagnosis or provides information that helps in the diagnostic process. In the laboratory, the tests that are carried out are aimed at establishing the cause of the observed disease symptoms. The test is often carried out on body fluids and/or wastes such as urine, faeces, blood, sputum, saliva, etc. All these fluids are very potent media for pathogens and other micro organisms that cause diseases in the human body. The test in the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Hrm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hrm - Essay Example There are various differences between leadership and management; however, their biggest difference is how they get their followers to do what they want. This makes all the difference in various aspects of how they do things. Managers’ power given to them by the organizations they are employed in and they have assistants who work for them. Management uses transactional method to have tasks done. This means that the subordinates do what they are told because they expect something in return, this is normally salary. Managers act out of motivation that they will get paid after delivering. Therefore they put focus to their subordinate to reach the organizations’ expectations. On the other hand leaders do not have subordinates, unless in formal setting where they also hold management roles. In normal circumstances, leaders have followers who are inspired by their actions (Daft, & Lane, 2005, P. 5). Leadership requires that a person appeal other people so much that they are ready to stop doing what they are doing to follow them. It means they are ready to take risks they would not have considered to take were it not for the influence of a particular person (Bertocci, 2009, P. 6). Leaders get things done through their strong charisma and they do not promise their followers material reward; they persuade them by promising them positive transformation. Therefore, leadership is about making positive effect in people’s lives and leaders are able to convince people that they will become better people after following their leadership. Leadership focus a lot of their attention to people they work with. Leaders are charismatic but they do not necessarily hav e a loud personality they use a quiet, genuine style of addressing people. They are also ready to take blame for other people’s mistakes and always give credit to others. Leadership has many positive effects to

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Three Major Components of a Product Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Three Major Components of a Product - Article Example The notion of ‘cost of production’ deals with the overall expenses which have been made by the production house in producing the particular product (Kaufman and Woodhead, 2006, p.164; Essential Components of RTI – A Closer Look at Response to Intervention, 2010, p.2). To understand the perceived complexity of tailored as opposed to standardized products, one needs to understand how different cultural influences concur with the perceived value as well as the importance known to a product or service by the market. A product, in this context, is more than the physical element and it is regarded as a package of different rewards and/or utilities that the buyer gets. These aspects include the shape, the flavor, the color, the smell and also the texture of the product. Also, aspects of how the product works, the packaging, the labeling, and the security are closely related to these aspects. Along with these aspects the service manufacturer and the retailer, the level of confidence or status enjoyed by the particular brand, the level of reputation of manufacturers, of a country of origin, or any other representative utility expected by the possession and/or use of that product. Considering a product mainly for the secondary market, the amount of adjustme nt which is required largely depends on the cultural differences as well as the perception of the market where these products were originally developed. The greater the level of cultural differences between these two markets, the higher the level of adaptation of the product that will be necessary (Barbu, n.d., p.109). One of the most important American products which have been changed to a great extent in the context of the increasing the volume of sales in the foreign market has been showing programs on the TV channel MTV.  

Monday, September 9, 2019

Hannebachite- a rare and important Sulphite Term Paper

Hannebachite- a rare and important Sulphite - Term Paper Example In fact Hannebachite among the two most important naturally occurring sulfites, the other being Orschallite (Ca3(SO3)2(SO4).12H2O). Hannebachite, Orschallite, scotlandite (PbSO3) and gravegliaite are rare sulphite minerals that come under the class of Sulphites. The name â€Å"hannebachite† has been derived from the place it was first discovered in Hannerbacherly, near Hannebach, West Germany. Sulfite groups have the generalized formula Am[SO3]pZq ·xH2O and AmBn[SO3]pZq ·xH2O, where A and B both are cations and Z represent anion. The most commonly occurring cations groups binding includes Na+, K+, Cu2+, Mg2+, Al3+, Ca2+, Pb2+, and Ba2+. The molecular arrangement of sulphite is such that the sulfur molecule is at the apex of the pyramid thereby making sulfites really unstable. This is the reason why sulphite minerals are rarely found in nature. Hannebachite is an important component of fixated scrubber sludge. The structure of Hannebachite has several applications an d forms the basis of further investigation since the applications of the mineral are yet to be determined and hence immense scope of research lies in this area. Introduction Hannebachite received its IMA status in 1983 following which the first ever publication on it was produced by G.Hentschel, E.Tillmanns and W. Hofmeister in 1985; however, the first person to detect the presence of this mineral was P.Orschall who was also the discoverer of Orschallite mineral. He found these minerals in a place named Hannerbacherly in West Germany. In nature Hannebachite is mostly found along with another sulfite mineral called Orschallite. Other minerals found in the porous cavities of quaternary melilite nepheline leucitite are clinopyroxene, apatite and phillipsite COMPOSITION The mineral –hannebachite, gained importance owing to commercial research on sulfite rich scrubber materials. Studies have shown that sulfite rich scrubber material extracted from power plants were rich in Hanneba chite crystallites (Malhotra,2010). In nature Hannebachite is found as sharp, almost clear crystalline structure. The composition of the mineral is SO2 49.60%,CaO 43.42%, H2O 6.98% which corresponds to its molecular formula (Anthony et al,2000).Sulfites in nature are highly unstable owing to the pyramidal structure where the sulfur is seen at the apex while the oxygen sits on the other corners of the arrangement; thereby these unstable products change into sulfates. However, CaSO4.0.5H2O can substitute into the CaSO3.0.5H2O structure up to a mole fraction of at least 0.12 (Jones et al., 1977). Structure of Hannebachite It is already known that the chemical composition of the mineral includes carbon, hydrogen sulfur and oxygen. The molecular weight is about 258.30gm. Hannebachite is orthorhombic. Its space group is Pbna (2m/2m/2m). Extensive studies have been done to determine the exact structure of the mineral. Powder diffraction was conducted to calculate the single crystal profile (figure 3). The optical class of the mineral was seen to be biaxial. It was recorded that a= 6.46A, b= 7.765A and c=10.650A which means that in the orthorhombic crystal system of hannebachite alpha=90 °, beta= 90 ° and gamma=90 °. The J-mol structure gives a clear interpretation of this structure (Figure:3). Spectroscopic studies conducted brought forward a clear idea of the bonding between the atoms present (Figure 1). The structure of hannebachite mineral was studied through Raman Spectroscopy by Frost and Keefe. The sample for hannebachite was supplied by Mineralogical Research Company who sourced in from the Hannebacher Ley volcano in Germany. The bands are observed at

Sunday, September 8, 2019

I wrote into the assignment criteria box Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

I wrote into the assignment criteria box - Essay Example orm of foreign direct investment, the companies buy controlling stakes in domestic firms and then reenergize the whole structure of the firm to make it more profitable and competitive. Their strategy have been quite simple as even a layman would believe in putting money in those areas or economy where the market if not growing at some astronomical rate but at least have a positive growth despite sluggishness (Krugman, 1998). The merger movement around the world has caused massive effect with growing rate of cross-border mergers and acquisitions. Being termed as an important tool for investment from industrial nations to developing ones, these merger and acquisition are relatively small size in if compared with mergers as compared to those in advanced countries, it gives the receiving developed nation a much needed boost to the economies of their nations. The involvement of transnational companies in the domestic market also provides the developing nation an environment of technologic al and managerial efficiency. The major bane in the growth of developing nation has been the lack of modern approach in management practices and use of technology. The indigenous research of the government and other agencies has been either lagging behind or has failed to yield any result. The need of the hour for the government is to adopt newer policies and its approach to engage transnational companies in its territory would yield higher growth in GDP and per capita income. The capability of domestic companies also gets strengthen in a pro-growth environment. As a whole the government’s agenda of creating an era of growth and prosperity gets fulfilled in various phases. The purpose of government selling its controlling state in public sector units or state enterprises is for strengthening the support system of the nation. Support system in this scenario is actually the infrastructure that would provide the base to individuals, investors and other enterprises in delving the nation

Saturday, September 7, 2019

What are the advantages and disadvantages of bilingualism Assignment

What are the advantages and disadvantages of bilingualism - Assignment Example This suggests that while the speaker may use Spanish at home, the same person may use English while at school. In addition, bilingualism may arise out of individual choice to study a language other than the primary language. In the end, bilingualism has both its advantages and disadvantages. The ability to communicate in two different languages is the immediate benefit of bilingualism. The expanded communication ability enables a student access a larger world than usual. In addition, it enables a student enjoy enriching cultures from different communities. This enhances learning, as a student is able to understand different contexts when applied to cultural education. Language is essential since it gives insight into other people’s experiences, perspectives, history, and culture (Fish & Morford, 2012, P.4, L.23-26). For instance, the bilingual ability could be crucial to deaf students who would wish to develop relationships with their peers who speak the English language. Studies have recommended bilingualism for deaf children. When such children learn both ASL and English, the aptitude in the second language becomes an indicator of the mastery of ASL (Baker, 2011, P. 3, L.66-67). Proper acquisition of ASL also supports the proficiency in English. Studies show that bilingualism stimulates language production in both languages. This suggests that a speaker’s brain becomes more open to handling information from two languages (Byrd, 2012, P. 20, L. 13-14). In this sense, a bilingual activates dual grammar systems. This is essential when such a speaker uses two languages simultaneously. Simultaneous, in this perspective, means that a bilingual speaker smoothly transitions from one language to another. When bilinguals develop such control, they can easily communicate to individuals who have only mastered a single language. This is a significant factor in translation. Bilingualism, however, burdens the learner. Burden occurs in terms of